

Percentage means a number or a ratio expressed in terms of fractions of 100. It is denoted using the percentage sign “%”. The abbreviation used to represent the percentage is “pct” or “pc”. In other words, the per cent or the percentage is defined as how much of one quantity is made by the other quantity and it is evaluated in relation to 100.


·         A fraction with denominator 100 is called percentage and is denoted by the symbol %.

·         The word percent means per hundred or for every hundred. Thus, Clara got 83 marks out of 100 means; she got 83 percent marks.

·         Conversely, when a student scored 67 percent marks that means; the student scored 67 marks out of 100.

·         The symbol of percent is %.Thus, 15 percent will be written as 15%  7/100 means 7%. Conversely, 9% means 9/100.

Percentage Formula

To determine the percentage, we have to divide the numerator by denominator and then multiply the resultant to 100.

Percentage formula = (Numerator/Denominator)×100 

Percentage, % = (Value × 100) / Total Value

Example: 2/5 × 100 = 0.4 × 100 = 40 per cent

How to calculate percentage of a number?

To calculate the percentage of a number, we need to use a different formula such as:

P% of Number = X

where X is the required percentage.

If we remove the % sign, then we need to express the above formulas as;

P/100 * Number = X

Example: Calculate 10% of 80.

Let 10% of 80 = X

10/100 * 80 = X

X = 8

Percentage Example Two quantities are generally expressed on the basis of their ratios. Here, let us understand the concepts of percentage through a few examples in a much better way.

Example 1: If 1156 is the total score obtained in the examination out of 1200 marks, then divide 1156 by 1200, and then multiply it by 100.

It means that,

Percentage of marks =(1156/1220) x 100

Percentage= 0.9633 x 100

Therefore, the percentage of marks obtained is 96.3%

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