Insertion of Clause 9(a) in Consolidated Rulings on Registered Newspapers issued vide order no. 22-17/2008-PO dated 5.5.2008
Insertion of Clause 9(a) in Consolidated Rulings Issued vide order no. 22-17/2008-PO dated 5.5.2008

Department of Posts supports publications/ newspapers through the provision of subsidized postage rates under postal registration. For obtaining postal registration, it is necessary that the Publications possess RNI Certificate for its publication.
As per the extant rules, if there is a change in the editor or publisher of a publication, a new RNI certificate is required for availing said postal registration. Till the time a new RNI certificate is produced, concessional postage facility cannot be extended to the same publication which has a postal registration. This procedural requirement often causes inconvenience to the publications in the unfortunate event of the death of the editor or publisher.
9(a) "A grace period of six months is provided for obtaining the revised RNI Certificate from Registrar of Newspapers in India (RNI), New Delhi in the unfortunate e vent of death of the editor/ publisher whose name is mentioned in the RNI Certificate submitted at the time for availing postal registration, provided, the new Editor/Publisher produces evidence to the effect that
he/she has applied for new RNI certificate to the RNI, New Delhi. The six-month relaxation will be counted from the date of death of deceased Editor/Publisher. It is further allowed to post the issues magazine in the post office at the concessional rates prescribed for Registered Newspapers during this grace period of six months."
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