Revision of Pattern, Syllabus and Qualifying marks of Paper-Ill viz. Data Entry Skill Test (DEST), of competitive examinations conducted by Department of Posts for appointment to the posts of Postman, Mail Guard, Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant.
Leave Encashment and Gratuity for pensioners who retired between January 2020 and June 2021: Fin Min OM dated 07.09.2021
Smart Vision Classes is a trustworthy study platform which caters to Limited Departmental Competition Exam conducted by India Post . We prepare employees for LDCE PSS Group B, LDCE AAO Exam, LDCE IP Exam, LDCE GDS to MTS/MG/PA/SA Exam, PO RMS Accountant Exam. On this Portal you will find several programs helping to crack these LDCE exams and achieving your promotion easily.
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