Book Of BO Rules | Book Of Branch Post Office Rules | MCQs | Quiz for all postal exams | Highlighted Notes | Forms Used in Branch Post Office | Preservation Period of Forms in Branch Post Offices



1.BO can receive & dispatch foreign & VP from its Account Office only.

2.BO can receive Insured Letter through a/c office only. BO can book Insured up to Rs. 600/-.

3.BO can receive MO forms from any office & pay. BO will forward all MO to a/c office.

4.BO can perform SB transactions on authorization of Head of Circle.

5.BO can accept PLI/RPLI premium in cash only on approval of Head of Circle.

6.BO can be placed in communication with RMS if Regd. PL and MO booking powers of a/c office has been withdrawn.

7.Every person newly appointed should furnish declaration as per P & T Vol 4 Rule 16.

8.Notice of working hrs/Hours of Business is supplied by concerned SDI, MS – 6(c).

9.Village Sorting List – no. of villages to whom article made for delivery

10.Village Sorting List prepared by SDI/ASP.

11.Due Mail Sorting List prepared and supplied by SRM, where BO is in communication with RMS otherwise Divisional Head.

12.Due Mail List shows bags to be received and dispatched.

13.Village Postman book will have entry of fixed village to which his visits is mandatory and obtain the sign of village concerned.

14.The weight of article should be carried out by village postman is 10 kg including parcel.

15.In c/o uninsured article, if addressee is not known to village postman then – should be delivered in presence of person residing in that area.

16.Cash safe can be given to BO – on recommendation of SDI by Divisional Head.

17.BPM is wholly responsible for safe custody of cash.

18.Features of currency note – sl no., denomination, sign, place of issue and watermark.

19.At BO, the stock of postage stamp should be sufficient for 1-week stock.

20.At BO – if any obsolete, damaged stamps, envelopes, stationery found – should be sent to its a/c office

21.IRC before giving to any customer should be stamped with –date stamp of office of issue

22.If BPM refuses IRC without date stamp come for payment. Action of BPM is correct – No orders are required for petty things.

23.The value of postage stamp given against IRC should be shown under head – UCP (on receipt side of IRC).

24.RNP wrapped with embossed envelope can be allowed (RL envelope is not allowed).

25.A letter of addressee encroaches stamp – it is considered in c/o endorsed & impressed stamp (not in c/o envelope or private envelope).

26.If Regd./VP/PL comes on counter seems to have used stamps – booking should be done and manual receipt should be given with detention remark.

27.Every BO should be supplied with - min 3 stamps.

28.Book of Postmark is maintained by – BPM

29.BO a/c and BO Journal should be preserved for – 3 years.

30.MS – 87(a), Regd. List, PL List – for 2 years.

31.After expiry of preservation period following record should be burned in presence of BPM – Village Postman Book, Book of Postmark, Regd. Journal.

32.Prescribed period of enumeration return – 5 years.

33.MS – 87(a) receipt is given to whom: mail articles – sender of insured, Regd., MO, PLI, VP, PL.

34.Stock of MS – 87(a) exhausted – BPM cannot give receipt other than MS – 87(a) & if given then he is liable for punishment of removal.

35.If any receipt of MS – 87(a) remained unused, blank; it should be sent to a/c office with remarks on back side of daily account.

36.Article of stock – who will send indent. Article of stock – chair, table etc. SDI/ASP will prepare and forward to D.O.

37.Any postal article can be delivered to person as such magistrate or court. Who can give such order – Magistrate, Chief Presidency magistrate, HC, session court.

38.BPM can accept rubber stamp having signature – cannot accept for all except Insured & MO.

39.If BPM receives article and which have been banned or liable for custom duty – report to a/c office and detained article.

40.In c/o illiterate person – article can be delivered to illiterate person in presence of Postman but in c/o IL & MO in presence of headman of village

41.How much amount can be paid by MO to illiterate in presence of illiterate person – Rs. 5

42.Complaint in r/o article in form of open letter – can be received by BPC and forwarded to a/c office.

43.Complaint & suggestion book: - MS – 94, should be maintained by all SOs including BOs.

44.BPM should address all correspondence to – reference from which correction has been received.

45.BO correspondence should be maintained in ink – Black, Departmental PO – Blue.

46.BPM can make payment of subsistence allowance to army reservist up to – Rs. 20/-.

47.DOP will earn commission on payment of subsistence allowance – 2% commission

48.Every BO should keep order book in form: MS-8.

49.In c/o willful removal of page of order book – it will be regarded as serious offence liable to removal.

50.BO circular issued by Head of Circle will be destroyed after – 3 years

51.What is correction slip? – In c/o modification, cancellation, addition of ruling.

52.Time fixed for half yearly enumeration - 8 to 14 Feb and 8 to 14 Aug

53.Form no. of half yearly enumeration –

54.Half yearly enumeration in r/o – un accountable mail.

55.Yearly return: MS-88

56.Yearly return period – First 14 days of March

57.BPM forward village return to - SDI/ASP

58.BPM should apply for leave in form of – APP 45

59.Preservation period of leave application of BPM – 3 years.

60.Spontenegious disease/infection and repulsive disease it took place to him of near relative – He will put off duty.

61.The payment of PLI premia at BO – a/c office will issue against receipt (ACG-67)

62.In case of loan repayment at BO – a/c off will issue against receipt (ACG-50)

63.In BO bag is at a/c office – Its content should be compared with BO slip.

64.In c/o short receipt of accountable article at BO – SP of BO division & section from which bag comes.

65.Date stamp should be placed on bag – In c/o suspected bag.

66.Mail List should be prepared in - duplicate.

67.BPM is required to forward special bag – special bag should be sent loose and it never kept in another bag.

68.Special Bag – SP & Head of Circle – camp articles should be kept in special bag.

69.If carrier is not having anything to deliver at BO - its acknowledgement will be taken in BP Journal.

70.Time of clearance of letter box - will be decided by SDI/ASP.

71.Articles taken from LB is found unpaid – impress unpaid on front side and date stamp on back side.

72.The amount of unpaid letter found in LB or other forwarding letter – should be entered. Not credited or not shown in BO a/c.

73.If the language of article is not known to BPC – it should be forwarded to a/c office.

74._ _ _ _ _ color check slip should be pasted on bundle

Ordinary - Pink

Sorting - White

Foreign/airmail - Blue

75.Check slip are used to fix responsibility

76.Particulars of missent articles are noted on backside of check slip and check slip should be sent to – supervisor of dispatch section

77.Label bundle is collection of – faced letter mails

78.Form no. of check slip: M-10

79.Station Bundle – paid and unpaid bundle 15 or more

80.Sorting Bundle not included in station bundle

Express Sorting Bundle (b) Differ Sorting Bundle

81.Territorial Bundle – 25 or more articles to state/country

82.On which article date stamp is impressed on address side – Postcard

83.The amount of postage due on article – no. of article received should be entered in BO Journal

84.Article received in torn condition – should be repaired and put in separate cover and forward to delivery with sign of BPM

85.Articles addressed to students – any person authorized by school

86.In c/o insured article – intimation has to be given under receipt but nobody presents at his home; RP-52 should be dropped at his home.

87.In c/o of regd. Article, addressee has not authorized anybody to received: RP-54 and RP-1

88.The messenger is required to sign while taking RP-54 and RP-1: - In BO Journal

89.In case of BPM is working single, he will not keep following book (not having delivery agent): MS-86, will carry MS-85 register

90.Mail List prepared for private carrier: M-1(a)

91.In c/o unpaid unregd. article received without knowledge of a/c office – should be entered in BO daily a/c, BO Journal, BO a/c.

92.PL can be redirected – On written instructions of addressee.

93.Redirection Slip: RP-67

94.If any PL received unregd. received from a/c office – entry should be made on BO Journal on both sides.

95.Unclaimed article should be kept for how many days in BO – 7 days from all inquiry.

96.Post Restante should be kept in deposit – 1 month in deposit except VP.

97.Articles addressed to deceased person should be treated as – unclaimed.

98.If insured article addressed to deceased person – BPM can deliver Insured article on order of Head of Circle.

99.Register Journal is maintained in form at BO: RP – 51.

100.Register Parcel Journal is maintained in form at BO: RP – 51.

101.Below the regd. No. slip which stamp is to be impressed – Name stamp.

102.Register List: RP – 32

103.Parcel List: RP – 3

104.Who will authorize BO to close bag of Regd & PL to its account office. – Divisional Head

105.At BO, AD card should be impressed with – Name stamp & office of destination in red.

106.AD Card no.: RP – 54.

107.Enquiry fee for foreign article to be paid in form – in form of postage stamp.

108.If BO is performing regd. work independently – combined entry for service and other regd. article in BO daily a/c.

109.Register Station Bundle is to be prepared by BPM (a) where there is 3 or more regd. (b) when BO is in communication with RMS. (c) when BO is in direct communication with another BO.

110.Regd. bag from BO is – due bag

111.RP – 32 is used -

112.When article mentioned ‘regd’ found in LB after closing of working hours – should be kept in deposit till next working day and book on next day.

113.When foreign regd article found in LB before closing of working hours – should be forwarded to a/c office duly entered in a/c bag w/o booking.

114.BO is performing independent work of regd, then it will receive regd article from which office – PO & RMS in communication with that BO.

115.If village Postman or delivery agent is given article for delivery should sign – in BO Journal and village postman should enter them in village postman book/register.

116.If regd AD is returned to sender for delivery at BO – It should be delivered to sender after removal of AD card.

117.If addressee of regd article is moved to another town – Should be noted on article new address in red ink or paste redirection slip and note address in red ink.

118.If unpaid register is received at BO for delivery – It should be noted in error book and delivered to addressee. He asked to return cover and forward to a/c office with report.

119.If addressee while refusing delivery of regd article and request for detention of article – can be detained for 7 days on written request of addressee.

120.Regd letter and PL can be given to GDS Mail Deliverer – who has furnished security.

121.Who empower BO to book/despatch foreign article – Head of Circle?

122.A/C office should forward PL to BO – duly entered in BO slip.

123.Parcel can be detained for max period – from last attempt of delivery for 7 days.

124.Intimation form of Parcel: RP – 65.

125.Max. limit of insured article at BO – Rs. 600/-

126.Insured envelopes are addressed to – Postmaster (it addressed to a/c office i/c/o delivery office is BO).

127.Insured Envelope: RP – 36.

128.Insured envelope is to be entered while dispatch at BO – Regd. list or backside of BO daily a/c.

129.For village Postman insured article (several) what is limit to be given to him for dely. – Rs. 1000/- of all insured articles. (Now changed)

130.Insured article exceeding Rs. _________ should be delivered at BO only. (Rs. 250/-). (Now changed)

131.Village Postman should not be given an insured article of Rs. _____ if it cannot be delivered on same day – Rs. 100 insured articles can be given to village postman if he can deliver at same day. (Now changed)

132.Aggregate value of insured article can be sent through GDS MD – Rs. 50/-. (Now changed)

133.Amount of VP article should not be given to village Postman or GDS MD if it exceeds _________ (Rs. 25/-). (Now changed)

134.If amount to be recovered from addressee on VP article if delivered through departmental Postman attached to BO – Rs. 100/- VP can be given to Postman for delivery. (Now changed)

135.Aggregate value of VPL/Parcel mail entrusted to Postman for delivery in no a/c must exceed (Postman attached to BO) – Rs. 400/- (Now changed)

136.Aggregate value up to which VPL/VPP, MO can be given to GDS MD. – Rs. 600/- can be enhanced by Divisional Head. (Now changed)

137.Form no. for VPL/VPP intimation slip RP – 53.

138.Detention fee for VP parcel -- Rs. 2/- per day from 8th day.

139.In c/o addressee of VP is dead – service regd. postcard intimation should be sent to sender.

140.Normally all articles can be recalled except – VP article once it is treated as unclaimed.

141.BPM can fill up MO form for remitter – can fill up the form but cannot make changes.

142.The aggregate amount of MO can be given to Postman for delivery – Rs. 12000/- or higher as prescribed by Divisional Head. (Now changed)

143.Limit of total amount of VP/MO CED given to village postman should not exceed – Rs. 5000/- and that can be extended. (Now changed)

144.Individual MO of Rs. ________ should not be given to Postman for delivery in BO (Rs. 500/-). (Now changed)

145.Pension MO – addressed to pensioner and for month mentioned below should be attested by – Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct. By two respectable people should attest MO form.

146.Agreement of indemnity in form no. __________ i/c/o MO received i/n/o minor and paid to guardian: MO – 20 (b).

147.How much stamp to affixed on MO – 20 (b): (Rs. 50 paise)

148.Notice in form should be sent to addressee: MO – 11.

149.Any written instructions received to BPM not to deliver MO to payee – should forward original application and MO – 8 to a/c office.

150.Particular of unpaid MO should be entered - BO Journal and BO daily a/c.

151.SPL MO Form – MO form cannot be printed. If special MO form is printed by state govt. should be accepted for payment in concerned state only.

152.BPM will recover the amount of IPO from purchaser at the time of IPO purchase at the time of sending requisition to a/c office

153.IPO payment received at BO which have to be forwarded to a/c receipt to be given to customer – on plain paper

154.BO Journal is prepared and maintained by – BPM.

155.BO account is maintained at – BO.

156.International reply coupon value – UCP

157.BO bag exchanged between – a/c office and BO.

158.BO bag closed by a/c should contain – BO slip, cash bag, regd. article, unregistered.

159.If BO received cash bag which having different weight other than noted on BO slip – should be opened in presence of witness and cash counted.

160.At HO, sub a/c PA & mail PA are one the BO bag should have seal – Mail Branch Seal as well as Sub Account Seal.

161.Cash received from Postman by BPM – should acknowledge cash in his diary.

162.The receipt side of BO Journal will have entries for – all receipt (Regd., VP, MO forms, IPO etc.)

163.Contents of BO bag from BO to a/c office

164.Bo bag closed on 1st of month should contain – BO a/c (Monetary transaction [PA-7] report).

165.Cash bag are of – 2 types (Leather and cloth)

166.Which document should be prepared first – BO daily a/c.

167ACG – 22(c) stands for – where there is no transaction, Nil daily a/c should be sent in form 22 (c).

168.BPM can make correction – in acquaintance roll in name (minor correction).

169.If payment is not made of A/Roll up to 10th of month – payment is made on ACG-17.

Note: All limits regarding MO, VPMO, Aggregate amount to village postman/GDS MD has been changed

Points to Remember

- Schemes - SB, RD, TD & SSA

-New Accounts will be opened & PB will be issued only by Account Office (AO)

- Acceptance of P.L.I. Premia in cash

-GDS BPM can accept any bank cheque for opening of new account unde SSA, TD and RD schemes and susequent deposits in SSA, RD and savings accounts. (only account payee cheque is to be accepted) OM dated 18.06.2020

-There is a restriction of accepting cash transaction of above Rs.50000/- in GDS brach post offices in an account in a day.

-The competent authority has decided to enhance the present limit of withdrawal per individual at GDS branch Post offices from Rs.5000/- to Rs.20000/- without obtaining sanction/approval from the respective account office with immediate effect (OM dated 26.02.2021).

--No BPM shall accept cash deposit transaction for more than Rs.50000/- in an account in a day, further till the PPF, SCSS, MIS, KVP, NSC schemes are made available in RICT CBS App. Deposit in these accounts is to be accepted by withdrawal form or cheque only. (OM dated 05.03.2021).

-Opening of MIS/SCSS/NSC/KVP/PPF account of any amount subject to minimum/maximum limit, if any under each and subsequent deposit in PPF account can be done at GDS Branch post offices through cheque only (POSB cheque/Bank Cheque (OM dated 23.07.2020)

-Now GDS BPMs are eligible to apply for and get SAS agency in terms of rule 3(a) of the standard agency system, 1959(OM dated 20.01.2021)

-Savings bank transactions & certificate business: if specially authorized by the Head of the Circle to transact savings bank business

- Insured articles: if especially authorized by the Head of the Circle to insure articles

- In accordance with rule 16 of the Postal Manual, Volume IV, every person newly appointed to a post is required to sign. (rule 103 of the Postal Manual, Volume II)

- Branch Office No business with the public is transacted on closed on Sundays and P.O. holidays

- Notice of hours of business- by the S.D.I to the B.P.M

- A due mail and sorting list will be supplied (a) to every branch office in direct communication with the R.M.S. by the Superintendent R.M.S. concerned

- including parcels to be carried by a village postman or extra departmental delivery agent should not exceed 10 kg

- It may not be necessary to supply a safe to every extra departmental branch office, but one may at the discretion of the Supdt. Post Offices be provided on the report of the S.D.I. supported by the recommendation of the S.D.I

- The branch postmaster is responsible that a sufficient stock of postage stamps of all kinds in demand

- Before a reply-coupon is handed to the purchaser, it must be stamped with the date-stamp in the circular space provided for the stamp of the office of origin

- Reply coupons are of two kinds: (i) International and (ii) Commonwealth

(watermarked with the letters “U.P.U.” in big characters)

- Several international coupons can be exchanged for payment of an air mail letter not exceeding 50 grams in weight

- Embossed envelopes, whether cut open or not, may be used as wrappers for newspapers, etc. but registration envelopes may not be used for the transmission of unregistered articles

- Every branch office is supplied with a seal and the following stamps: -

1)A combined name and date stamp of rectangular shape 2) A postage-due stamp 3) A number slip name-stamp

- A book in form MS-18 must be kept in every branch office

- Invoices preserved for 3 year

- The order book (Ms-8) or stock book (SK-1) may not be destroyed without the special permission of the Superintendent

-books of postmarks and registered journal (R.P.-51) should be destroyed, in the branch postmaster’s presence, by fire

-If a money order is issued on service, by the branch postmaster (as remitter), the receipt for the remitter should be left on record in the book of receipts

-Supply of the P.O. Pocket Guide in regional languages for Every branch postmaster and every postman and village attached to a branch post office

-Treatment of articles containing goods, the export of which is specially prohibited: it should be endorsed “contains Prohibited (name of prohibited article)” and sent to the account office for disposal

-Facsimile impression of signature to be accepted as signature in certain cases

-Payment of subsistence advance to army reservists: Rs. 20 to each reservist

-Branch office circulars: Circulars in the Regional languages to be issued by Heads of Circles

-Half-yearly enumeration returns:

months of February and August each year, i.e. from the 8th to the 14th, both days inclusive. A copy of the return should be forwarded by the mail of the 15th to the account office

-Yearly village returns: During the first fourteen days of the month of March each year i.e., from the 1st to the 14th, both days inclusive, a return should be kept by the branch postmaster, in form MS – 88

-The branch postmaster should clear the office letter-box at the hours fixed by the AsPos/SDI

-Registration and parcel number slips: The number slips will be supplied in books of 200 slips

- At BO, the stock of postage stamp should be sufficient for – 1-week stock, 2month for SO and 6 month for HO

- Date stamp should be placed on bag – In c/o suspected bag

- BPM is required to forward special bag – special bag should be sent loose and it never kept in another bag

- If carrier is not having anything to deliver at BO - its acknowledgement will be taken in BP Journal

- Check slip is used to fix responsibility

- The amount of postage due on article – no. of article received should be entered in BO Journal

- Mail List prepared for private carrier: M-1(a)

- PL can be redirected – On written instructions of addressee

- If any PL received unregistered received from a/c office – entry should be made on BO Journal on both sides

- If insured article addressed to deceased person – BPM can deliver Insured article on order of Head of Circle

- Below the regd. No. slip which stamp is to be impressed – Name stamp

- At BO, AD card should be impressed with – Name stamp & office of destination in red

- Regd letter and PL can be given to GDS Mail Deliverer – who has furnished security

- Who empower BO to book/despatch foreign article – Head of Circle

- In c/o addressee of VP is dead – service regd. postcard intimation should be sent to sender

- Normally all articles can be recalled except – VP article once it is treated as unclaimed

- Agreement of indemnity in form no. __________ i/c/o MO received i/n/o minor and paid to guardian: MO – 20 (b)

- At HO, sub a/c PA & mail PA are one the BO bag should have seal – Mail Branch Seal as well as Sub Account Seal

-The due mail list and sorting list for BO will be supplied by SDI/ASP concerned-- By the SRM for BO in direct communication with RMS.

- The special bag will be closed when ___ four correspondence of HOC & Four correspondence of Supdt

- When no mail is prescribed the receipt of carrier for the mails should be taken in to- BO Journal

- The amount of unpaid article posted in office letter box/found in sorting should be- Not credited oin BO account and not to be noted BO journal

-Complaint & suggestion book, order book has 200 pages.


M-6(c): A notice of hours of business

(M-53): Route list

(MS-27): If a postman is attached to the office, the B.P.M. must see that his book (MS-27) is properly kept

(MS-85): V.P. M’s. register

(MS-86): visit book

Ms-87: village postman’s book of receipts

Pa-21: postman’s postage account

Pa-6: B.O. account (unclassified payment)

(Pa-4): branch office slip

(Pa-5): B.O. journal for three-years

A.C.G.-22(a): B.O. daily account

MS-18: Book of Postmarks for 18 months

(Ms-8): The order book

SK-1: stock book

R.P.-51: registered journal (preserved for 2 years)

(MS-87) (a): The book of receipts

M.O. 51: V.P.M.O. forms

(MS-19): book of certificates of posting

(R.P.- 54): book of acknowledgement for registered articles of the letter or parcel mail

(MS-2): Error book

(R.P. 32): registered list

(MS-94): Complaint/Suggestion Book

MS – 88-Yearly village returns

M.S.-6: Half-yearly enumeration returns

App - 45: Leave applications from extra-departmental branch postmasters (submitted to the Asp/SDI of Post Office concerned) preserved for three years

ACG-67: ordinary receipt form for PLI for 5 years

ACG-50: form for receipt on account of repayment of loan.

(Form MS-28): mail peon keeps a book

(If the branch office is in direct communication with the R.M.S)

(M-1): Mail lists

(MS-19): Certificates of posting

(M-10): check slip

R.P.-52: insured articles, if the addressee has not authorized his messenger to sign on his behalf, an intimation in form

RP.67: redirection label

R.P.-39(a): A registered No. slip

(R.P.-65): addressee fails to take delivery of it at the post office within seven days from the date of presentation of the notice

R.P.-16: A parcel No. slips

R.P.-13: foreign customs (parcel) declaration

(RP). -54: Acknowledgements for inland insured letters

R.B.-20: insured label in the case of inland parcels

F.P.-27: insured label in the case of foreign parcels

R.P.-36: insured envelope

M.O7: Special money order

M.O8: Inland money orders ordinary

M.O9: Sterling money orders

PA-7: abstract of the monetary transactions

*FMC (Fixed monetary compensation) to delivery staff and remuneration to other staff (OM dated 14.08.2015)

-when one postman performs duty of an absentee postman by combination of duties: Rs.94 per day

-When two postmen perform duty of an absentee postman by sharing the beat: Rs.47 per day

-Postmen/sorting postmen- when duty performed on holiday/ Sunday: Rs 282/- per day for full day duty

-MTS- when duty performed on holiday/ Sunday: Rs 29/- per hour, subject to max of 3 hours

-Postal assistant- when duty performed on holiday/ Sunday: Rs 41/- per hour, subject to max of 3 hours.

-Supervisor- when duty performed on holiday/ Sunday: Rs 47/- per hour, subject to max of 3 hours.


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